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1.姓名: 毛钰蘅



4.职称: 副教授(校聘)







2016/09 - 2019/09,香港理工大学,应用生物与化学科技,博士

2010/09 - 2013/07,中山大学,营养与食品卫生学,硕士

2006/09 - 2010/06,新疆大学,食品科学与工程,学士


2. 科研与学术工作经历




2016/03 – 2016/08,香港理工大学深圳研究院,研究助理

2015/03 – 2016/03,合生元 (现健合集团)营养科学研究院,研究员

2013/08 - 2015/03,雀巢研发中心,管理培训生


3. 研究方向: 运动营养;肠道菌群;运动表现







1. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,魔芋多糖对大负荷运动致肠道菌群失调的预防调节作用及机制研究,2023-012025-1210万,在研,主持。

2. 国家自然基金青年科学基金项目,魔芋多糖通过促进共生菌生物膜形成预防调节肠道菌群失调的作用机制研究,2021-012023-1224万,在研,主持。





7.中山大学2020 年度三大建设大科研项目培育专项项目,抗血小板药物、VD和花色苷联合治疗SARS-CoV-2病毒感染后的凝血功能障碍和炎症风暴的作用及机制研究,2020/03-2021/0350万,已结题,参与。






1. Mao, Y.-H.; Xu, Y.; Song, F.; Wang, Z. M.; Li, Y. H.; Zhao, M.; He, F.; Tian, Z.; Yang, Y., Protective effects of konjac glucomannan on gut microbiome with antibiotic perturbation in mice. Carbohydrate polymers, 2022, 290, 119476. (中科院1, TOPIF= 10.723

2. Yanling Yao#, Xiandan Zhang#,Yixuan Xu, Yimin Zhao, Fenglin Song, Zezhong Tian, Mingzhu Zhao, Ying Liang, Wenhua Ling, Yu-Heng Mao*; Yan Yang* (2022) Cyanidin-3-O-β-glucoside attenuates platelet chemokines and their receptors in atherosclerotic inflammation of ApoE-/- mice. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 70, 8254-8263.(共同通讯作者)(中科院1, TOP, IF=5.895

3. Mao, Y.-H., Xu, Y.-X., Li, Y.-H., Cao, J., Song, F.-L., Zhao, D., Zhao, Y.-M., Wang, Z.-M., Yang, Y.* (2021). Effects of konjac glucomannan with different molecular weights on gut microflora with antibiotic perturbance in in vitro fecal fermentation. Carbohydrate polymers, 273, 118546. (中科院1, TOPIF= 10.723

4. Mao, Y.-H., Song, F.-L., Xu, Y.-X., Song, A.-X., Wang, Z.-M., Zhao, M.-Z., He, F., Tian, Z.-Z., Yang, Y.* (2022). Extraction, Characterization, and Platelet Inhibitory Effects of Two Polysaccharides from the Cs-4 Fungus. International Journal of Molecular Science, 23, 12608.(中科院2, TOP, IF=6.208

5. Mao, Y.-H.#, Song, F.-L.#, Xu, Y.-X., Song, A.-X., Li, Y.-H., Qiu, X.-F., Zhao, M., Tian, Z., Yang, Y.* (2022) The protective effects of low-and high-fermentable dietary fibers on fecal microflora with antibiotic disturbance in in vitro fecal fermentation. Journal of Functional Foods, 98, 105266。(共同第一作者)(中科院2区,IF=5.223

6. 李衍衡,赵明珠,徐艺璇,宋丰林,毛钰蘅*,杨燕*2022. 不同相对分子质量果胶多糖益生特性的比较研究[J],食品科技,4704),216-223。(共同通讯作者)(中文核心)

7. Mao, Y.-H., Song, A.-X., Li, L.-Q., Yang, Y., Yao, Z.-P., & Wu, J.-Y.* (2020). A high-molecular weight exopolysaccharide from the Cs-HK1 fungus: Ultrasonic degradation, characterization and in vitro fecal fermentation. Carbohydrate polymers, 246, 116636. (中科院1, TOPIF= 10.723

8. Mao, Y.-H., Song, A.-X., Li, L.-Q., Siu, K.-C., Yao, Z.-P.*, & Wu, J.-Y.* (2020). Effects of exopolysaccharide fractions with different molecular weights and compositions on fecal microflora during in vitro fermentation. International journal of biological macromolecules, 144, 76-84.(中科院1, TOPIF=8.025

9. Mao, Y.-H., Song, A.-X., Wang, Z.-M., Yao, Z.-P.*, & Wu, J.-Y.* (2018). Protection of Bifidobacterial cells against antibiotics by a high molecular weight exopolysaccharide of a medicinal fungus Cs-HK1 through physical interactions. International journal of biological macromolecules, 119, 312-319.(中科院1, TOPIF=8.025

10. Mao, Y.-H., Song, A.-X., Yao, Z.-P.*, & Wu, J.-Y.* (2018). Protective effects of natural and partially degraded konjac glucomannan on Bifidobacteria against antibiotic damage. Carbohydrate polymers, 181, 368-375.(中科院1, TOPIF= 10.723

11. Song A.-X., Mao, Y.-H., Siu, K.-C., Tai, W. C.-S. & Wu, J.-Y.* (2019) Protective effects of exopolysaccharide of a medicinal fungus on probiotic bacteria during cold storage and simulated gastrointestinal conditions. International journal of biological macromolecules, 133, 957-963.(中科院1, TOPIF=8.025

12. Song A.-X., Mao, Y.-H., Siu, K.-C. & Wu, J.-Y.* (2019) Bifidogenic effects of Cordyceps sinensis fungal exopolysaccharide and konjac glucomannan after ultrasound and acid degradation. International journal of biological macromolecules, 111, 587-594.(中科院1, TOPIF=8.025





[1] 2019-11,深圳,2019多糖科学及保健和生物材料应用国际会议大会报告。Oral presentationThe protective effects of Cs-HK1 exopolysaccharides on gut bacteria against antibiotic damage.


[2] 2019-11,福州,第一届一带一路”“药食同源特色农产品国际研讨会大会报告。Oral presentationThe protective effects and related mechanisms of Cs-HK1 exopolysaccharides on gut bacteria against antibiotic damage.




